
A substance to counteract infection or poison. Acalypha, Achyranthes, Aegiphila, Albizia, Anacardium, Aristolochia, Asclepias, Caesalpinia, Cassia, Chiococca, Cissampelos, Clavija, Cocos, Coffes, Dracontium, Entada, Euphorbia, Fevillea, Gustavia, Hibiscus, Jatropha, Lantana, Mikania, Mimosa, Musa, Nicotiana, Piper, Pluchea, Quassia, Sapindus, Simaba, Tabebuia, Tamarindus, Thevetia, Vernonia, Xylopia.

EthnoBotanical Dictionary. 2013.

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