Mangifera Indica

Mangifera Indica
Mango (E,Cu,S) . Widely cultivated in Panama, the renowned mango tends to seed itself easily, although fruits from spontaneous seedlings may have the flavor of turpentine. The mango, besides being eaten as a ripe fruit, is sued as follows in India. When green, the stone is extracted, the fruit halved or sliced, and put in curries, made into brine pickles, said to taste like olives, made into preserves by boiling and cooking in sugar, boiled and strained with milk and sugar made into a custard known as mango-fool, sundried and subsequently used to add acidity to certain curries, when very young cut into small pieces, mixed with salt, sliced peppers and milk to form a tasty salad. When ripe, it is made into curries and salads like above, the juice is squeezed out, spread thinly on plates and allowed to dry into a cake, the seeds, removed from the woody husk, may be boiled with potherbs eaten roasted, or ground to form a flour, which tends to induce constipation. Cubans substitute mangoes for squash, eat fried mangoes, mango fritters, mango omelets, and if there is rice, then rice with mangoes. Young flowers and newly unfolded leaves are said to be edible but could be dangerous to sensitive people. The sap may cause a rash like poison oak. Nonetheless, gum from the trunks is eaten in India, and is used for mending pottery. The twigs and leaves, used to clean the teeth, are said to be beneficial to the gums, while the bark is said to be useful for toothaches. The astringent stomachic bark is also used for internal hemorrhages, bronchitis , and catarrh. The resin is used for cracked feet, ringworm, and other fungi, syphilis, and to induce sweating. Smoke from the burning leaves is believed to cure various throat disorders, from asthma to hiccups. Dried flowers are used to treat gleet. Green fruits are considered anticholeric (baked and mixed with sugar and taken internally and also rubbed over the body), antidysmenorrheic, antiscorbutic, astringent, and diaphoretic. Roasted green fruits are dissolved in sugar water and taken internally to prevent sunstroke and they may be just rubbed on the body. Ripe fruits are considered diuretic, laxative, and unguent, and the gum is used to treak scabies; the seeds are anthelmintic, antiasthmatic, antimenorrhagic, antidysesnteric, and unguent. A gruel made of the seeds is taken internally for bleeding piles. The wood is favored for making shovels for working in the Salinas around Aguadulce.

EthnoBotanical Dictionary. 2013.

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