- Moringa Oleifera
- Lam.Horseradish tree (E); Angela (C); Jacinto (P); Marango (CA); Narango (CA) . The leaves, flowers, pods, and twigs of this honey tree are used as potherbs. The roots are used like horseradish, and are eaten as a vegetable in Africa. The leaves, 7-10% protein, are cooked with ash of plantain to make soup; crushed leaves are applied to snakebites, wounds, and ulcers, and are used for the extraction of guinea worms. Fruits, probably green, are made into pickles. The young seeds are substituted for green peas; fried seeds are said to taste like ground nuts. The bark, used for toothache, is believed to be abaortifacient, antineuralgic, antirheumatic, antiscorbuitc, diuretic, rubefacient, and stimulant. In the Philippines, it is believed that if the chewed root be put on a snakebite, the poison will be spread. Oil expressed from the seeds can be used for salads, cooking, and illumination. Roots are used to treat sathma, dropsy, dyspepsia, earache, palsy, epilepsy, fevers, gout, hysteria, rheumatism, and spasms. A root-bark infusion is used in certain yellow fever treatments. Macerations of the younger portions are used to make an invigorating shampoo.
EthnoBotanical Dictionary. 2013.