- Tuberculosis
- An infectious disease of the lungs. Treated with Acacia, Allium, Dialyanthera, Jessenia, Pistia, Rhizophora, Solanum.
EthnoBotanical Dictionary. 2013.
EthnoBotanical Dictionary. 2013.
Tuberculosis — Classification and external resources Chest X ray of a person with advanced tuberculosis ICD 10 A … Wikipedia
Tuberculosis — Radiografía de un paciente con tuberculosis. Véase pulmón derecho. Clasificación y recursos externos … Wikipedia Español
tuberculosis — f. parasit. Enfermedad infecciosa provocada por la bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, conocida también como bacilo de Koch. Es una enfermedad difundida por todo el mundo que puede afectar a individuos de cualquier edad. La entrada del germen en … Diccionario médico
tuberculosis — (De tubérculo, producto morboso, redondeado). f. Med. Enfermedad del hombre y de muchas especies animales producida por el bacilo de Koch. Adopta formas muy diferentes según el órgano atacado, la intensidad de la afección, etc. Su lesión habitual … Diccionario de la lengua española
Tuberculosis — Tu*ber cu*lo sis, n. [NL. See {Tubercle}.] (Med.) A constitutional disease caused by infection with {Mycobacterium tuberculosis} (also called the {Tubercle bacillus}), characterized by the production of tubercles in the internal organs, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tuberculosis — [too bʉr΄kyə lō′sis, təbʉr΄kyə lō′sis] n. [ModL: see TUBERCLE & OSIS] an infectious disease caused by the tubercle bacillus and characterized by the formation of tubercles in various tissues of the body; specif., tuberculosis of the lungs;… … English World dictionary
Tuberculōsis — (lat.), Tuberkelkrankheit … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Tuberculosis — vgl. Tuberkulose … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
tuberculosis — (n.) 1860, from Modern Latin, from L. tuberculum small swelling, pimple, dim. of tuber lump (see TUBER (Cf. tuber)) + OSIS (Cf. osis), a suffix of Greek origin. So called in reference to the tubercules which form in the lungs. Originally in… … Etymology dictionary
tuberculosis — ► NOUN ▪ an infectious bacterial disease characterized by the growth of tubercles in the tissues, especially the lungs … English terms dictionary
tuberculosis — /too berr kyeuh loh sis, tyoo /, n. Pathol. 1. an infectious disease that may affect almost any tissue of the body, esp. the lungs, caused by the organism Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and characterized by tubercles. 2. this disease when affecting… … Universalium