- Bidens Pilosa
- 1) L. Beggartick (E); Arponcito (P); Cadillo (P); Chipaca (C); Cadillo de huerta (C); Masiquia (C); Duarte (C); Papunga (C); Pacunja (C); Cadillo de perro (C); Sirvulaca (P). The young shoots serve as a potherb not really requiring salt. They are sometimes mixed with half-boiled rice grains and fermented to make a kind of saki. Warm juice of the plant is styptic. Leaves are vulnerary, and used to wash wounds in the choco. A heated infusion of the plant is used as a bath to relieve pains of rheumatism. Flowers cooked with sugar are taken internally for colds. The root is used in Antioquia for hepatic infections.2) var. RADIATA Sch.-Bip. Masiquiara (C); Papunga (C); Papunga de arbolito (C)
EthnoBotanical Dictionary. 2013.