- Brosimum Utile
- Pittier.Cowtree (E); Arbol de leche (P); Guaimaro (C); Lechero (CR); Mastate (CR); Palo de leche (C); Palo de vaca (CR); Sande (C); Vaco (CR). The copious latex is mixed with balsa charcoal to make embil, which, wrapped in Manicaria leaves, serves as a torch. The latex is potable, sometimes made into a cheese. The fruits are edible raw or cooked and can be used as a breadstuff. Their resin is used for candles and for adulterating chicle. The latex is used to cure asthma and inflammation. The bark is used to make cloth and the wood is supposed to burn green. The bark of other species is regarded as a galactagogue. (Illustrating the Doctrine of Signatures: the bark of the tree produces milk; superstitiously perhaps, it is used by the people to induce lactation.) The tree is used to make dugouts called potros in Colombia.
EthnoBotanical Dictionary. 2013.