Fruit edible, raw

Fruit edible, raw
Fruits, at least part of which are edible raw when they ripen on the plant. Acacia, Acantho cereus, Achras, Acrocomia, Aechmea, Anacardium, Ananas, Annona, Anthurium, Ardisia, Aristolochia, Astrocaryum, Averrhoa, Bactris, Beilschmiedia, Bellucia, Borojoa, Bromelia, Brosimum, Bunchosia, Byrsonima, Calocarpum, Campomanesia, Carica, Casearia, Casimiroa, Cassia, Cavendishia, Celtis, Ceratonia, Cholorophora, Chomelia, Chrysobalanus, Chrysophyllum, Cissus, Citharexylum, Citrullus, Citrus, Clavija, Clidemia, Coccoloba, Cocos, Coffea, Conostegia, Cordia, Couma, Coupeia, Crateva, Cucumis, Cyclanthera, Cyphomandra, Dialium, Diospyros, Epiphyllum, Eugenia, Ficus, Fragaria, Fuchsia, Garcinia, Genipa, Gonzalagunia, Guazuma, Guilielma, Gustavia, Hamelia, Hedyosmum, Henriettea, Henrietella, Hesperomeles, Hirtella, Hylocereus, Hymenaea, Inga, Lacmellia, Lantana, Lemaireocereus, Licania, Loreya, Lucuma, Malpighia, Malvaviscus, Mammea, Mangifera, Manilkara, Maripa, Matisia, Melicoccus, Melothria, Miconia, Momordica, Monstera, Morinda, Morisonia, Mourira, Muntingia, Musa, Myrcia, Opuntia, Pandanus, Parmentiera, Passiflora, Patinoa, Paullinia, Pentagonia, Pereskia, Persea, Phyllanthus, Physalis, Phytelephas, Pithecellobium, Podocarpus, Posoqueria, Poulsenia, Pourouma, Pouteria, Prosopis, Pseudolmedia, Psidium, Puncia, Pyrenoglyphis, Quararibea, Randia, Rheedia, Rollinia, Roystonea, Sabicea, Sambucus, Satyria, Saurauia, Sicana, Sideroxylon, Simarouba, Sloanea, Solanum, Spondias, Symphonia, Talisia, Tamarindus, Theobroma, Thevetia, Tournefortia, Trapa, Trophis, Vitex, Vitis, Ximenia, Zizyphus.

EthnoBotanical Dictionary. 2013.

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